1st Annual - Tough Girls Academy Golf Tournament!

When: SUNDAY - June 12, 2022
Where: Webster Golf Club, 440 Salt Road, Webster, NY 14580
- 12:00 PM Registration
- 1:00 PM Shot Gun Start
- 6:00 PM Dinner/Raffles/Awards
- 18-Hole Scramble Format
- Cost: $380.00 per Foursome or $95 for Individual Golfers
- Includes 18 holes of golf, cart, dinner & prizes!
Tough Girls Academy is a leadership and empowerment organization for young girls ages 7-13. “TGA” will be launched this summer through our non-profit organization Game Changer Solutions (501c3 established in 2013). The goal of TGA is to build confidence, character and true self-esteem in young girls while giving them personal growth opportunities.
Learn More About Our Golf Tournament
What is Game Changer Solutions?
Game Changer Solutions is a non-for-profit educational, athletic support and entertainment company that works throughout the United States. Our programs have been developed by: Superintendents, Athletic Directors, Counselors, College Education Professors, Sports Psychologists. Youth Coaches, High School & College Coaches, College Academic Advisors and Parents. GCS is certified through the National Council of Academic and Athletics Accreditations.
Contact us to learn more