WNY College Athlete Survival Conference (A College Prep Conference for Graduating HS Student-Athletes & Parents) JULY 27th 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm @ Saint John Fisher College Registration Fee: $150 per athlete (includes parents) The CASC gives graduating high school senior athletes and parents critical information on personal safety, nutrition/hydration, academics and expectations as a college athlete. This workshop helps both student-athletes and their parents successfully …
NYS (Female) College Safety & Prep Conference
NYS (Female) College Safety & Prep Conference (A College Prep Workshop for all College-Bound Female Freshman) JULY 27th 11:00 am – 2:00 pm @ Saint John Fisher College Currently 20%-30% of female college students are being sexually assaulted while in college. The content is vital for incoming college freshman and can potentially be life-saving! Let’s keep our girls safe and …