WNY College Athlete Survival Conference
(A College Prep Conference for Graduating HS Student-Athletes & Parents)
JULY 27th 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm @ Saint John Fisher College
Registration Fee: $150 per athlete (includes parents)
The CASC gives graduating high school senior athletes and parents critical information on personal safety, nutrition/hydration, academics and expectations as a college athlete. This workshop helps both student-athletes and their parents successfully transition and prepare for college. The content of this workshop is vital for incoming college freshman athletes! (Parent attendance is optional)
Former College Head Coaches, Collage Athletes (DI – DII – DIII)
Former Professors Coaches, College Academic/Athletic Advisors
Certified Financial Advisors, Certified Trainers & Nutritionists
Campus & Personal Safety Freshman Athlete Expectations Athlete Nutrition
Athlete Health & Wellness Personal Finance Athlete Academics
Protocol with Coaches Athlete Rapport with Professors Athlete-Hazing Prep
Social Media for Athletes NCAA Rules & Regs Athlete Hydration
College Sports Parenting
Extra College Financing Tips
411 on College Athletics
Game Changer Sports is a non-for-profit company that specializes in educational prep workshops and conference for students, administrators, athletes and parents. GCS is certified through the National Council of Academic and Athletic Accreditations.
To register: Go to GCSports1.com!